Saturday, December 19, 2009

   As I promised, the theme here is poison and pleasure and since I'm carousing with the Captain, it will be pleasure today. Let's talk about porn. Porn is like pizza and sex. It's all good, however some just has to be spit out. Nevertheless, the splendid make the search all worth it. I seek out the artistic, quirky and sensual. The kind that you chew slowly as meaty flavors burst in your mouth and the juices and flow down your fingers to be licked clean.
Got Milk?
Booze goes well
This poor thing is so angry with her flimsy lingerie she's ripping it off...

Fascinated by the body art.



  1. Harder to masturbate in Iraq when it's only you and another guy in the room you live anonimity lol. I feel your pain though, only I was dumb enough to sign up for mine. And medals aren't worth crap in the real world...well, free license plates of course lol.
